With my new host family I have been able to experience something pretty different for me, and that is art. When I say art I mean anywhere from music, dance, to paintings, sculptures, photos, etc. The whole family is very artistic, each with something different, so it is pretty neat to walk around the house and see the massive collection.
They also really enjoy taking it this art work as well; something I have never done much of before, I grew up in a sport family, simple as that. However it's been neat getting to see the other side as well, I have so far watched my host father play in a brass ensemble, and sing in the church choir, go to a ballet with my host mom, and to the art hall today to look at a new gallery. The new gallery was all based around blury/unfocused photos and paitings. It was amazing to see, and I never knew I could enjoy walking around an art gallery for two hours before. Here are some photos of the photos and paintings, just to show a bit of what was in it.